Title: Splice
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has Adrien Brody, who I’m coming to like less with each movie I see him stumble through, and Sarah Polley in it.
Introduction: I got this movie from the library on DVD for free.
Location: It mostly takes place in a science research lab and an old barn, but there are a few other settings and a presumably large budget.
Plot: A married research scientist team accidentally creates a sort of human sort of gargoyle type creature and then it turns into a giant mess as you’d expect but these people were kind of too dumb to do anything about beforehand.
Acting: The acting is what you’d expect it to be, which is neither really that great nor awful.
Production: It was in theaters and it shows.
Sex/Nudity: Yes. The main couple has a sex scene early on, and later in the movie Adrien Brody’s character has pretty graphic sex with this alien hybrid thing. It’s just all sorts of wrong and whoever came up with it should be charged criminally.
Special Effects: See above.
Overall Verdict: While my overall distaste for this movie stands, here is my biggest gripe with it. The main character played by Sarah Polley is kind of the one to kind of hide and keep this weird creature at first, right? At first, Adrien Brody’s character is resistant to it and he seems like he wants to kill it. But when you get to the end of the movie, who is left alive? Sarah Polley and no one else. Her boss, her husband, her brother-in-law and even her precious pet she seemed to think was a child are all dead because of her. So it really does bother me that this all seems to be her doing and not only does she not really suffer any repercussions from this (Given everyone else died, I’d say she got off light) but she also ends up being impregnated by this alien gargoyle thing and is given a large sum of cash to have the baby and keep her mouth shut. So I guess if someone you know ever ends up in a similar situation, be sure to report them right away and if necessary kill them even because under these circumstances it is obviously either them or you. Adrien Brody kept his mouth shut, and sure he got some dirty alien sex, but then he also got killed, so you know, make your choices wisely scientists.