Title: The Roommate [2011]
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has some actors in it from various television shows, but it lacks that one big sort of actor that makes it a movie where I can write something here. I mean, who is the big attraction? Billy Zane? Or do I just say this is the movie with that one girl from Friday Night Lights in it?
Introduction: I got this movie from the library for free. If you actually paid for the DVD release please move to somewhere far enough away so that you can’t hear me laughing at you.
Location: It takes place at college, but goes to many places nearby, so sadly it had a decent budget.
Plot: This girl moves in with this other girl- for college- and the one girl is creepy and becomes obsessive and blah blah blah… This plot has been done so many times in so many different ways that all seemed the same I don’t even know what I was expecting going into this. I guess maybe I was looking for some unexpected twist or humor, but yeah, this was just bad. Same movie, different year.
Acting: The acting wasn’t that bad, but to be a “major motion picture” it was pretty awful.
Production: It looked like it was in theaters and it was.
Sex/Nudity: Yeah, that’s really what will save this movie.
Special Effects: Were hardly there. Ugh. The death scenes could have at least been cool.
Overall Verdict: This movie, looking back at it now, can be summed up by one single name. If you look at this movie on iMBD or Wikipedia, you’ll notice one of the character names standing out. Yes, there is a girl in this movie with the character name Tracy Morgan. Yes, like the hilarious actor. MST3K has a rule about how you’re not supposed to put a better movie inside of your crappy movie, well I think you shouldn’t name your crappy characters after actors that would hopefully never make something this bad. The kitten gets put in the dryer (Though you don’t really see anything happen to it) and that bugged me more than any of the human characters getting it. All of the characters in here should have been killed off except for the kitten. If you somehow end up watching this movie, don’t blame me. I warned you.
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