Title: Legend of the Guardians
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This is, up until now, the only Zach Snyder movie I had not seen. There are some pretty noteworthy voices in here as well, but try not to think about them that way and just get lost in the moment.
Introduction: I got this movie on DVD, for free, from my local library.
Location: This is animated, so it’s not really relevant here.
Plot: Some owls fall out of their nest and are about to be eaten, but then they are saved by bigger owls that sort of bring them into a life of slavery. Our two main owls go on a quest to find the Guardians and along the way, they become heroes themselves.
This is based on a book, which I haven’t read, so it probably get a lot of its story ideas from there.
Acting: The owls sound right on and let me say that usually in voice over movies there is a character or two who really stands out where you just can’t buy into him being anyone other than who he is in real life, but this isn’t the case here. Everyone uses their voices appropriately because I never stop seeing the owls as who they are supposed to be instead of going, “He sounds like that guy from The Matrix”.
Production: This was a seemingly big budget movie that was in theaters and all, yes.
Sex/Nudity: No, haha. This is still somewhat of a kids’ movie.
Special Effects: The owls in this look real enough to eat.
Overall Verdict: Gina said she felt that this was too dark to be a kids’ movie, but I reminded her that she is a big fan of Harry Potter. I really did enjoy this movie but maybe it’s just because I like owls. Added bonus: There are songs in here (or at least one played more than once) by Owl City. Makes sense, right?
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