Title: Blind Fury
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie stars Rutger Hauer, and also features Terry O’Quinn and Brandon Call as the kid. Yes, John Locke is the father of JT from Step by Step. Wiggy.
Location: They start with war, and then they go over a city area to escape the bad guys and then eventually track them down. This may not have had a huge budget, but it had some.
Plot: At the beginning of the movie, we see a bomb go off in a war and Rutger Hauer loses his sight. Then, we fast forward to later back in the states and his good is in trouble with some bad guys over drugs. Eventually, the kid gets kidnapped and they have to get him back. The thing is, Rutger Hauer is a one man wrecking crew with a sword and even though he can’t see he still slices up guys like nobody’s business.
Acting: It’s on like Donkey Kong.
Production: I’m not sure whether this was in theaters or not, but I’m inclined to say yes if I had to base it on overall quality.
Sex/Nudity: No, haha.
Special Effects: When they are there, they are good for 1989.
Overall Verdict: There’s one rather funny moment in this movie when Rutger Hauer is driving and the guy next to him is like, “Are you blind??” and he’s like, “Yeah, what’s wrong with you??” It’s funny because so many drivers who aren’t blind are still terrible at driving for some reason. This is still a solid movie, as I watched it and really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. If you haven’t already, you should see it.
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