Title: Bad Ass
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie is all about Danny Trejo and is not too far off from the movie I’d like to see Trejo star in (as directed by Robert Rodriguez) called “Mexicop”.
Introduction: Free Netflix Series #4 (And my first non-Magnet movie now as well)
Location: All around town, baby.
Plot: Danny Trejo stars as an old war vet who is basically a plain clothes super hero. It’s like Kick-Ass but without the tights. There is comedy, drama and most of all, ass kicking fun all around.
My idea for a Danny Trejo movie, called “Mexicop”, saw him play a former criminal turned police officer, kind of like in a Snake Plisskan way but less futuristic. This isn’t that far off from that idea because despite working with the cops there are times that his character certainly doesn’t seem to enjoy it. Does this mean “Mexicop” would not work as a movie now? No, it could definitely still work and be a different enough movie to stand on its own from this. This movie is a bit different than what I had in mind for “Mexicop”, but still the closest thing to it so far.
Acting: Danny Trejo
Production: Was this in theaters? I don’t know. Could it have been based on the production look of it? Yes, yes it could have been.
Sex/Nudity: Not so much, no.
Special Effects: There aren’t really a lot, but there are some good fight scenes.
Overall Verdict: This movie comes down to one thing: Time. If you happen to have an hour and a half to kill and you like a good action movie with Danny Trejo, then do it up. But don’t go too far out of your way to watch this one or feel like you’re missing something if you don’t see it.