Title: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: That one dude from the cancelled show Invasion who went on to also be in Reaper (He looks kind of like he could be Jack Black’s brother) stars in this with Alan Tudyk as the titular characters. Everyone else… your guess is as good as mine.
Introduction: This is the third movie in my Free Netflix Series. Go back and read the review of Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie for more on that, as this is the last time I’ll say all that.
Location: Would it be too cliché if I said this took place primarily in a cabin in the woods?
Plot: Tucker and Dale are two redneck guys who in any other movie would be chopping up preppy college kids into pieces their next of kin would never be able to find. However, in this movie they’re just two innocent guys who end up falling victim to prejudice and unfortunate circumstances.
I will admit that the whole accidentally-dying-around-us part of this story was hard to swallow at times, but in some ways it did work to make this a sort of reverse horror movie. It was interesting to see the two parties become threats to each other if only because one thought the other was trying to harm them with no substantial proof to back it up.
This movie might not teach you a grand moral lesson about accepting other peoples differences, but it is funny to see a college aged guy jump into a wood chipper.
Acting: The acting is pretty much good throughout, it’s just a few of the college type kids are bad actors. But what can you expect from a horror movie? If everyone was a great actor, it probably wouldn’t be as fulfilling to see them die.
Production: Viva la Magnet Revolution!
Sex/Nudity: Actually, I don’t think there really is, no.
Special Effects: They take an occasional cop out every once in a while (like someone falling down a hole or dying off camera in general), but when they do show something it’s quite good.
Overall Verdict: I will admit that I watched this movie over two different times. I was intrigued enough by the general idea of it that I felt the need to finish it, but finishing it that day wasn’t really a huge priority. It has that overall feel to it of something you’ve seen before but not quite. It doesn’t make it anything new or innovative, but it also isn’t exactly like every horror movie you’ve seen before so it’s worth watching all the way through for sure.
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