Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This Movie is the Troll

Title:  Troll Hunter
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  It’s from Magnet, so I thought it was worth a look.
Introduction:  From the library for FREE.
Location:  Mostly in the woods, like the Blair Witch Project.
Plot:  This movie starts with some people hunting bears, but eventually we end up following this one guy whose hunting trolls instead.   It’s shot documentary style and even has a disclaimer at the beginning like “This is the footage that was recovered”.   No one believes this is real, much less really cares about it.
Acting:   It was dubbed, so you know.
Production:  It was shot like a documentary, which is just a cheap way of saying they don’t have to spend a lot on production value.
Sex/Nudity:  No, I don’t think so, but I kind of tuned in and out during the slow parts.
Special Effects:  The only redeeming quality of this movie is that the trolls themselves look kind of cool.  Otherwise, this movie’s got nothing.
Overall Verdict:  I think that as a film-watching community, we should come together and form a set of guidelines and unspoken rules for the film-making community.   After I watched The Last Exorcism, which I enjoyed, I voted that we no longer make movies about exorcisms.   (Funny, that movie was also shot like a documentary)   Now after seeing Zombie Diaries, of course The Blair Witch and so many others, I think we all need to come together and say that we no longer wish to see documentary style movies (That aren’t real) so the film-makers should stop making them as such.   It’s a cheap way to get out of having to shoot a visually appealing movie (“It’s supposed to look grainy” is no longer cutting it)  This movie is also a lot of running through the woods with a shaky camera and green light.   This movie is basically the modern version of the Blair Witch Project, which is just sad.   After Hobo With a Shotgun and Rubber, has Magnet lost their touch?

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