Title: Thor
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Natalie “I Ruined Star Wars” Portman and Kat “I’m Not Emma Stone” Dennings are in this with some guy as Thor, which was probably the right casting choice.
Introduction: I got this from the library for free. You shouldn’t pay more for it.
Location: All over planet Earth and Asgard.
Plot: Thor comes to Earth, befriends humans and has to find himself before he can swing his mighty hammer. You know, throughout the various comic books and animated series out there, I feel like we’ve seen this story told far too many times already. This does not make me look forward to learning what I already know about Captain America.
Acting: The acting is good. I have no complaints.
Production: Yes, it had a big budget.
Sex/Nudity: No, not so much. But the dude playing Thor looks like Kurt Cobain on steroids.
Special Effects: Yes, they were what you’d expect.
Overall Verdict: As I’ve recently been watching older movies in the “fantasy” era, while the special effects might not have been as good, I really would have loved to either see this made around the same time as Dragonheart and movies of that time frame, or at least have this one look more like a tribute to that time when movies were being made. But, no, this is pretty much cut and dry for what you’d expect for a movie about Thor made by Marvel. It seems like a necessary evil since all these movies will eventually link together to form the Avengers movie next year, but skipping a Thor origin story wouldn’t have killed that movie. Black Widow and Hawkeye are both going to be in the Avengers movie without an origins story, so who knows. But I’d go see a Hawkeye movie just to make fun of it because boy do I hate Hawkeye. What a useless character that guy is. But to end this review on a good note, I did like the overall character of Loki. He actually has a much better role in this movie than Thor himself because he’s just this out of control-insane type character that seems so hard to stop (and even shows he can’t be stopped after the credits). This movie should be renamed “Loki” because it made me a fan of that bad guy more than it helped me feel any differently about Thor, a character I already like.
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