Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: The Year in Movies (Or “Leonardo DiCaprio is Not a Very Good Actor”)

                I present to you the highs and lows in movies in the year 2011.   Future humans (and aliens) feel free to reference this list as to what really mattered in 2011 and what didn’t.
                Movies that I liked will simply be stated.  They have been reviewed elsewhere on this blog.   Movies that I didn’t like, however, even if reviewed elsewhere, shall be further explained just for fun.
Favorite All Around Movie: Rango
                This pretty much goes without saying.  Just read my review of this movie or ask me about it in day to day life and you’ll recognize.
Favorite Comedy:  Paul
                I knew this movie would be funny, but perhaps I didn’t expect it to be this funny.  Plus, it didn’t have much else in terms of competition for the year since most every other so-called comedy left me anything but laughing.  (I will admit though that Hall Pass was a close second here)
Least Favorite Comedy:  Your Highness
                For having James Franco and Danny McBride in it, as well as being a parody of the fantasy type movies I tend to like but also take with a grain of salt, this should have been the standout comedy of the year.   It wasn’t.   I barely remember any of this movie- like a boring dream- and only really took away from it the fact that it was probably geared toward stoners and even then, I doubt it was very funny.  The Pineapple Express this is not.
Favorite Movie Based on a Comic Book:  The Green Hornet
Least Favorite Movie Based on a Comic Book:   Green Lantern
                Ryan Reynolds has ripped abs and Sinestro makes a heel turn.  We get it.   I would have much rather seen this as a 1980’s or 1990’s movie with equally cheesy effects.   But it just seems like they went overboard with the CGI and it just lost a lot of what could’ve made it great.  Plus I’m getting tired of origin stories, but that’s not why this movie was particularly bad.
Movie Based on a Comic Book That I Didn’t Expect to Like as Much as I Did:  Captain America: The First Avenger
Least Favorite Drama/Sci-Fi/Non-Comedy/Non-Kids Movie:  Inception
                It took me two tries to make it through this movie.  In some ways, it wasn’t all bad, but I think I might be exceptionally hard on it simply because it was conceived by Christopher Nolan and, maybe it’s just me, but I expected a lot more from this guy.   I hate to think that Chris Nolan is going the way of M. Night Shaymalan with the “crazy twists” and becoming so big that you have to keep twisting and turning until it becomes ridiculous, but we’ll have to wait until after the Dark Knight franchise ends to truly see.
                My biggest problem with this movie was Leonardo DiCaprio.   I wondered quite often through this film what Leo has ever done (in movies, because Growing Pains was awesome) to make him such a huge movie star.   I’ve never seen Titanic, a fact I am still proud of to this day, and the few movies that I have seen him in and actually liked don’t seem like his movies at all.
-          Romeo & Juliet:  William Shakespeare, the music and the all around look of this movie made it what it was, not any of the actors.
-          The Basketball Diaries:  This movie was cool because it was about Jim Carroll.   The role could have easily been played by someone else if they were age appropriate at the time (an Ethan Hawke, if you will) and so this movie stands out more as a Jim Carroll bio piece than an actual Leo movie.
-          What’s Eating Gilbert Grape:  This is a Johnny Depp movie in my book.
And let’s not forget that he was in the very much overhyped movie Shutter Island, which just further begs my question as to why people think Leo is such a great actor.
The one nice thing that I will say about this movie was the imagery of it, but The Lovely Bones had the same thing going for it as well.   Just because something is pretty to look at, it does not make it a great movie.
Favorite Movie Geared Toward Kids:  Spy Kids 4D: All the Time in the World
Least Deserving Sequel:  Cars 2
                I don’t have a major gripe with this movie in the overall sense of it.   As a whole, I did sort of like this movie, though not as much as the first one.   I gave this movie this award simply because even though some of the same characters appear, this isn’t really as much of a sequel to Cars as it is a Mater spinoff movie.   I would have much preferred this to be titled something clever like “00Mater” or “Mater Takes Tokyo”.   Even “Mater: Secret Spy” would have been acceptable to an extent.   It seems like they couldn’t come up with a good enough title, though, and wanted to cash in on the success of the first film (understandable) so this just became a sequel.    (Though, again, it’s really only a sequel in title only)
Favorite Movie No One Else Probably Got:  Rubber
Favorite Cinematography:  Hobo with a Shotgun
Best Horror Movie:  Insidious
Best Documentary:  The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

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