Title: Reckless Kelly
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie is written by, directed by and stars Yahoo Serious.
Introduction: I got this from the local Good Will on VHS for $1. I’m not sure that it is even on DVD.
Location: Mostly on the same island in Australia, but then our main character eventually ends up in Hollywood, USA. This is the second Yahoo Serious movie (following Young Einstein), so there should have been a decent budget but nothing huge compared to what we see for movies these days.
Plot: This movie is about Ned Kelly, which is a true story in Australia. There was a movie originally made about said character with Mick Jagger in it, and then there was a remake also with Heath Ledger. Those were more of the serious biopics, where as this is the funnier side and most of this stuff might just be made up. Still, it’s a comedy, so we can be a little bit lenient on the plot, right?
Acting: Yahoo Serious is in this, alongside Hugo “I was in two of the greatest trilogies ever” Weaving and the actress who played Jan on The Office (U.S.) Take that as your idea of what this will be like, acting-wise.
Production: It looks like a big budget movie for its time, but in the present state of film could pass as a made for SyFy movie.
Sex/Nudity: Nope, there isn’t any. This movie is kid friendly as it doesn’t really have anything above a PG rating in it.
Special Effects: These are probably what make this movie so great. Okay, the dialogue is pretty cheesy, but these effects really make this movie worth watching. In the opening scenes when the title character is robbing an ATM, he holds out a small paper bag, about the size of one you would use to take your lunch to school in as a kid, to collect the money coming out. They cut scene, come back and Ned Kelly all of a sudden has a much larger paper bag filled with more money. What kind of sorcery is this that the bag grows depending upon how much money is spit out of the ATM? Why, the best kind of sorcery, that’s what kind!
Overall Verdict: This movie is funny in only a cheesy way. If you take this movie- or any part of it- too seriously, then you’re setting yourself up for a huge letdown. But if you are willing to realize that this movie is from the 1990’s and has all of its major credits go to a guy who legally changed his name to Yahoo Serious, then, yes, you’ll probably laugh at this movie for all the wrong reasons, just as I did.
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