Title: I Come In Peace
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: DOLPH LUNDGREN.
Introduction: I bought this VHS tape on eBay for an undisclosed sum. Please note that for whatever reason, according to the eBay seller as well as the Wikipedia page for this film, this movie has NEVER been released before on DVD in the United States. It has had releases in other countries, but then it gets into the whole “region 1” / “region 2” DVD thing which I don’t have time for, well, ever.
Location: Believe it or not, this movie takes place in the great city of Houston, Texas. There are numerous landmarks, references, etc. and I think it’s pretty awesome. As a city, the people of Houston should rally together and get this movie a DVD release in the U.S. It’s part of Houston history! (And Dolph Lundgren kicks ass)
Plot: This has a somewhat complex plot, but really also just comes off like a bunch of movie plots thrown together. Firstly, there is alien coming from another planet to earth (Think Terminator, Alienator, etc.) only he is also being hunted by an alien cop. These two characters- literally named “good alien” and “bad alien”- remind me a bit of The Highlander, but whatever. So what the bad alien is trying to do is injecting people with heroin (yes, the drug) then sticks some device into their brain to feed on the endorphins. See, (and the movie explains this as well) when you take a drug like heroin it fools your brain into thinking different things, mainly releasing the pleasure centers which gives you the “high”. So this mind altering stage that your brain comes into is what the alien is trying to, basically, put into a vile and sell as heroin times a million. Think of it this way. Think of how much sugar you would get by eating, say, a sugar cookie. Think of that as the heroin. Now what this alien is trying to market is like a Pixie Stick. Straight up sugar. It’s actually a somewhat interesting plot, if unbelievable. If it was discussed I wasn’t paying close enough attention, but I’m still unsure what this bad alien’s end goal is. Does he sell the drugs to humans and remain on earth? Does he go back to his unnamed (and unmentioned) home planet and sell the drugs there, just using the humans as mere test subjects and guinea pigs? Maybe I’m over thinking this now. This movie does, however, make one good point you have to consider. Dolph Lundgren (who has some generic name in the movie like John Caine) gets a partner who is young and annoying. When Lundgren’s character suggests the main bad guy is an alien, they get into this discussion about how someone has to be the first to see an alien and make the claim. When you think about it on the whole (In terms of what movies, television, books, etc.) have taught us, I think I’ve become somewhat desensitized to it all now that if someone told me there was an alien drug dealer in Houston I’d probably be very willing to believe them (And not just because I call Houston home either). The thing is, at this point in time, so many people have had an alien theory, and sooner or later it’s going to come out to be true. Just as Columbus sailed around the world, it is only naïve to believe Earth is the only inhabited planet. I mean, come on, science, what happened to Pluto anyway?
Acting: Dolph Lundgren is in this- king of the 1980’s and 1990’s sci-fi and fantasy cheese. The guy has portrayed The Punisher (Frank Castle), He-Man and Ivan Drago. What else do you need to know? Oh, and the guy in here who plays the “bad alien” (Which is apparently also his best known role) does all of his own stunts because he’s 6’5” and they couldn’t find anyone else big enough to do them for him. Pretty good stuff. I mean, this isn’t going to win any acting awards, but for what it is, it gets the job done.
Production: It looks how it is supposed to look.
Sex/Nudity: There is one scene which I believe is in either a strip club or a Dennys where a girl shows her boobs, but you know, otherwise it’s pretty much just the mission to stop the bad alien.
Special Effects: For an alien themed movie, there aren’t a whole lot of crazy lasers and all the types of things you’d imagine in a sci-fi sort of cop movie. I hate to type this almost nearly as much as I hated to see it on the screen, but the bad alien’s main source of weaponry consisted of something that shot CDs which landed in the victim’s neck and killed them. For some reason, I was reminded of Shaun of the Dead when they start chucking records.
Overall Verdict: This movie delivers when it comes to aliens, sci-fi, cheese and the overall unintended comedy you’d expect from a Dolph Lundgren movie. As mentioned before, Dolph has been in some pretty high profile movies, all of which I like despite how critics may feel about them. As far as his lesser known roles go, which this is one of and there are many, I think this is quite possibly his best role ever. I don’t know if any other movie he is in could outdo what I’ve seen here. From an alien who only says “I come in peace” right down to the end when Dolph’s character responds “And you leave in pieces, asshole”, this movie has a certain style and flair to it whether or not it can be noticed by everyone. There is this B Movie quality here, don’t get me wrong, but there also exists these strong undertones of this almost being a rather serious and credible piece of work. Honestly, I think it ranks up there rather high with the B Movies and almost even becomes a decent A Movie.