Title: Steele Justice
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has the guy who headed up the Cobra Kai in The Karate Kid series as its main good guy. It also features Sela Ward and Shannon Tweed, if you know who they are.
Introduction: I bought this from Good Will because it looked cheesy enough to be worth the 79 cents. Through some research I’ve discovered that- I believe- this movie has never been transferred to DVD.
Location: In a jungle at first, then eventually in a city. Sadly, they had some budget for location.
Plot: The main character, named John Steele, was in Vietnam and supposedly killed. He somehow lived on to become a cop who was then supposed to have died but didn’t. He pretty much then goes on this psychotic rampage against his cop friends wishes (They tried to lock him up) and gets revenge on those who killed his partner and his partner’s family. It’s your basic Punisher/Rambo/very generic and happens all the time kind of movie plot. The guy (I keep forgetting his name) kind of resembles Dolph Lundgren, but isn’t, and at times he’s dressed and acts like Rambo. Geez, the guy’s name even is John Steele (like John Rambo). This is pretty close to a Rambo rip off, yes.
Acting: It’s HILARIOUS.
Production: It looks good for 1987.
Sex/Nudity: No, the closest thing is all these shots of the main guy with no shirt on even though he still looks like he’s wearing some sort of sweater.
Special Effects: The opening scenes look like they are shot with paintball guns as their weapons. Is that a sign of the times (such as, how far we’ve come) or were the effects just that bad for that time as well?
Overall Verdict: If you’re going to go out of your way to see this for more than a dollar, don’t do it. But if you have the time and can watch it for free, and you like to make fun of movies that try to take themselves too seriously then this might be for you.
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