Title: Mirrors
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: ALEXANDRE AJA ALEXANDRE AJA ALEXANDRE AJA
Introduction: I got this from the library. I’ve actually checked it out twice before and never watched it, but when realizing it was an Aja film I figured it would have a decent amount of blood so it’d be worth watching. It did.
Location: In an old abandoned place and some apartments in a city of some kind. They had some money.
Plot: Sometimes what happens in the mirror is different from what we want. I kind of do like the idea of this being possible. I think it’s a clever premise and kind of remember it being used in a show before only with shadows instead of mirrors. I want to say it was on something like Alvin and the Chipmunks, but that doesn’t seem right. Then I remember this plot from AATC where some bought up a whole bunch of common baseball cards (of the same player) to make him rare. They were all like, “Everyone has one of his cards!” … “Do you?” … “Well, err, umm… not anymore” AHA!
Acting: Kiefer Sutherland is the bane of my existence.
Production: It was in theaters.
Sex/Nudity: Amy Smart dies in the bathtub, but you don’t see anything.
Special Effects: They look really good, and once again are the really only redeeming quality of this movie.
Overall Verdict: I was probably right in not watching this the first two times that I got it. It’s not the best, it just has some neat visuals. I wouldn’t really recommend this movie to anyone, I’d just say you should try to find stills online of the better effects and call it a day.
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