Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shootin’ Rockets Out of My Fingers

Title:  The Killer Meteors
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  This movie has Jackie Chan in it, as a small role as the villain, but the main star is Jimmy Wang Yu.   It is in no way a Jackie Chan movie, though it is typically marketed as such.
Introduction:  I picked this up at my local Good Will on VHS.   It was part of a rather large collection that either someone (or their mom) recently got rid of/donated.
Location:  Everywhere meteors exist.
Plot:  One guy is good, one guy is bad and they both can shoot a certain amount of meteors out of the hands to hurt someone else.   Why it doesn’t hurt their hands, well… Let’s ask the creators of some videogames that question.    I find that, in most movies, logic is absent.   Let’s just watch these cool fight scenes and worry less about the plot, okay?
Acting:  It’s originally in Chinese and dubbed in English.   A lot of the characters seem like they should have tougher sounding voices.
Production:  It’s from the 1970’s and looks as such.
Sex/Nudity:  Nah brah.
Special Effects:  The meteors I spoke of look a lot like fireworks.
Overall Verdict:  It’s funny to me, and I enjoy the action, but this is definitely a cult movie in the sense that it is not for everyone.   And by everyone I mean it probably wouldn’t appeal to anyone.

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