Title: The Hills Have Eyes II
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Umm… The famous Jett Jackson?
Introduction: I got this movie from eBay for an undisclosed amount.
Location: Primarily in a part of the desert that no one should ever want to go into.
Plot: Overzealous new recruits get killed and eaten by those crazy mutants that live in the hills (and were in the first remake as well) Funniest part: One of the soldiers kills their leader himself on accident. Whoops.
Acting: It’s okay, but not great.
Production: It looks good. The visual styling of this movie is its best feature.
Sex/Nudity: Nope, too busy being scared for their lives.
Special Effects: There is bloodshed and it is good. But things like when the guy falls off the cliff they don’t show, which is an obvious attempt to cut costs. At least give me a Wyle E. Coyote dust cloud or something.
Overall Verdict: Whatever it may say about this movie, I need to note that in the first few scenes Gina and I had a lengthy back and forth about whether or not we had seen it before. She was convinced we had, I was convinced that we hadn’t. I don’t know why, despite what was happening on the screen, I had the thought in my mind that I’d never seen this movie before and was watching it for the first time. But once we got further into it, yes, I realized we had in fact seen it before. Does that mean this is a great stand out movie?
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