Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Shopping List

Shopping List #1
<Item #1> “lemons”  (on the far right of the page is written “cherry tomatoes”)
<Item #2> “milk 0%, 1%”
<Item #3> “cantalope”
<Item #4> “”oniondip”
<Item #5> “cherry tomatoes”
<Item #6> “macaroni”
<Item #7> “oniondip”
<Item #8> “salmon”
<Item #9> “nutella”
<Item #10> “oniondip”
<Item #11> “hash browns patties?”
<Item #12> “butter/marg”
<Item #13> “9x13 pan [?]”
<Item #14> “Hawaiian rolls – 1 pkg”
<Item #15> “carrots”
<Item #16> “Ital dress”
<Item #17> “froz peaches”
<Item #18> “wrinkle cream”

                The interesting thing about this is that “cherry tomatoes” is seemingly added to the top at the last minute, though it is also the fifth item on the list.  At the same time, “oniondip” shows up twice and just two items apart as well, this is a strange oversight.    The addition of “wrinkle cream” at the very bottom makes you wonder if it was added that far down only because it was not something that is food.  
                The first item- “lemons”- is in black, while the next six items are all in pink and then it switches back to black.   This can only lead you to assume that the list was actually started with “milk” and then “lemons” were later added to the top after “carrots”.   Although since items 16 and 17 are written in orange, this list was probably made over the course of a week or so.
                The first obvious food connection here would be the lemons going with the salmon.  Most of the other items are veggies that would fit with the onion dip and Italian dressing.   The one item that throws this list off is the hash browns because that’s a breakfast item (and a side) with no real matching component.    
                The big giveaway in this list is that there are not one but two types of milk being purchased.   This would lead you to conclude that this list is for more than just one person, though the milk could be used for cooking and coffee, though nothing coffee related is on this list.   Obviously, this list is not a full shopping list but just something thrown together to piece together other meals throughout the course of the week.   That fact alone makes you wonder why it seemed to have so many revisions and additions as opposed to being done in one take. 
                I will conclude that this is the list of a middle aged business woman who is too busy to do actual grocery shopping and just picks up what she needs here and there.   The milk might be for coffee, something she may have a lot of on hand if she entertains guests.   My original idea of this being for more than one person (based on the milk) is now ruled out, as I don’t believe this person has children.  The fact that gives that away to me is the wrinkle cream, something a more prominent business woman would need because she’s under the impression that her looks are what help her succeed.    It would be assumed that a mother wouldn’t be as worried about the wrinkles and almost sort of wear them proudly as battle scars of motherhood.

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