Title: The Baby
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: No, not really.
Introduction: I purchased this movie for an undisclosed sum.
Location: Mostly in one house, but sometimes other places.
Plot: This is perhaps one of the strangest and creepiest movies ever made, but like a bad car wreck you just cannot turn away. A mother and her two daughters have a baby named, well, Baby, who is twenty one years old but acts like an infant. A new case worker comes in and tries to crack the case as to why he is like this and if he really is just suppressing something. She very much believes he can do things he should be able to at his age, like walk, but only doesn’t out of fear of his mother. The entire time you watch this movie you just have this disturbed feeling come over you where you want to turn it off or look away… But you can’t. You keep watching and hoping that Baby will finally reveal his true self.
Acting: It’s actually really quite good. I heard the actor that played Baby had his original noises replaced by generic stuff on this release, which is kind of weird, but maybe one day I can find this movie on VHS or something and hear his original cries.
Production: It looks like a movie from the ‘70’s.
Sex/Nudity: There isn’t flat out nudity, but it is implied in a breastfeeding scene or two.
Special Effects: There weren’t really any special effects—not blood or anything. This movie messes more with your mind than with your eyes.
Overall Verdict: I’ve seen some pretty disturbing movies in my time. This one just seems to be the most disturbing of them all. In all honesty, as this movie was made back in the ‘70’s, I highly doubt a movie like this could be made now. If they tried to accomplish a remake of this movie it would probably come out more like a comedy than anything else. So as much as I enjoy this movie for its overall vibe, let us not discredit it as a sign of the times.
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