Title: The Good The Bad The Weird
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: It’s Korean, if that helps you any.
Introduction: I got this from the library.
Location: This movie had a pretty good budget because it takes place all over the place and has scenes involving trains.
Plot: There are three main characters, obviously, in this movie and they are all somehow connected to a treasure map of sorts which is supposed to be brought in by someone but The Weird ends up with it. The thing you have to understand about this movie is that, even up until the very last scene, it’s always moving and there’s always something going on. To explain the plot would be to give you a play by play of the entire movie. It’s action, it’s comedy, it’s everything a movie should be, honestly.
Acting: It’s subtitled, but they seem to be really into it.
Production: It looks like it was made for theaters.
Sex/Nudity: No, no there isn’t.
Special Effects: They’re quite good.
Overall Verdict: For some reason (don’t ask me why) I really like western movies, but I like the odd western movies. I find it hard to get into a straight western movie, even something like 3:10 to Yuma was good but I don’t ever see myself owning that DVD. For whatever reason though, I really like westerns when the cowboys are Asian. Don’t ask me why, I just think it’s cool for some reason. This movie is like Suki Yaki Western Django in ways, except since it’s not Takashi Miike, it doesn’t have quite as much blood and guts. In fact, it’s much more light hearted in a comedic way than something Miike would do, which is why there would also be room for this movie in my DVD collection. This is definitely a movie worth multiple viewings.
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