Tuesday, June 28, 2011

B Movie or Worst Porno Ever?

Title:  Zombie Lake
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  Ehh…. No.
Introduction:  I got this as part of a set of multiple zombie themed movies off of eBay.
Location:  This is supposed to take place in Paris during a time period it looks nothing like.   Yes, there is a lake, but there are also a few other spots where the magic happens.
Plot:  All these German soldiers died in Paris and drown in a lake.   Now whenever anyone tries to swim in that lake or whatever, the zombies rise up from underwater and pull them under.   It is important that everyone who swims in this lake is not only female, but also nude.   I’d also like to point out that this movie’s opening sequence involves a girl who goes to a gazebo, strips down to her birthday suit and then goes swimming in the lake that starts it all.   However, it needs to be noted that before she jumps in the lake, she discards a sign posted saying not to swim there.   Perhaps she is the true monster of this movie, as all of the following events can be traced back to her.   Also worth noting: If this lake were America, it would be in somewhere like Louisiana, it’d be called a swamp and no one in their right mind would want to swim in it.  From every angle (and there are some cool camera shots here) this lake just looks gross to swim in.
Acting:  There are a lot of sequences in this movie that take place with only music and not a lot of talking.  In general, there isn’t a lot of dialogue in this movie but when there is it’s dubbed over from what I presume to be French.   It’s really hard to rate the acting in that way.
Production:  It doesn’t even look like a made for television sci-fi movie.  Although it does have that 1970’s vibe to it, it still isn’t the same quality of other low budget movies of that time.
Sex/Nudity:  Yes and yes.   There is a rather extensive sex scene in this movie, which I’m sure is relevant to the plot, as well as just about every female in this movie strips down to be completely nude.   The thing I wonder, which I guess is a question for the ages, was about how all this came about exactly.   Either the people who made this movie paid the actresses next to nothing and they just thought it would look good on their resume or they got paid extra to bare it all and thus certain funds which could have been spent on, say, effects were dwindled down to almost nothing.   Whichever the case is, this movie doesn’t look like it had a big budget, outside of the underwater camera, and as I read someone who reviewed this before say, the gross amount of nudity alone is not a good enough reason to watch this movie.   Yes, it is borderline pornography and none of it is really necessary, but let us not forget, this is also a European movie and in Europe they have nude beaches and supermarkets. 
Special Effects:  I kid you not, the zombies have this green cream on them and it looks like what you’d see a mom wear to bed in a show like “Happy Days” or “I Love Lucy”. In a way, that does make them appear scary because all they need is the hair curlers and possibly mouth gear, but alas, this a zombie movie not a scary old lady movie.
Overall Verdict:  This movie reminds me of one of my other favorite movies, Monster A-Go-Go, and not just because it had a director bail out and then someone else took over and had to finish up the mess made by the first guy.   No, this is one of those movies that is so bad you have to see it to believe it.  It is a movie where nothing makes sense and their selling point is probably for the nudity.   At times, you watch this movie and think you could make it (or could have made it better even) and you don’t even make movies.   While the idea of zombies living in a lake killing people should be cool and horrific, it’s actually quite comical in the delivery here.   By no means is this a good movie, but it is so awful it needs to be viewed at least once to fully grasp the tragedy of it all.

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