Title: Kalifornia
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovany and some other lady are the main (And really only) actors in this movie.
Introduction: I saw this movie when it first came out and watched it many times as a child. When I was young, I used to watch several movies of a certain actor and then have to see everything that actor was ever in. This was the case with Brad Pitt as well as Tom Cruise and Christian Slater. Granted, it lead to me seeing Far and Away, A River Runs Through It and Legends of the Fall, but I also got to see awesome movies like this. I recently found this at Games Plus (as a former rental) and didn’t hesitate to buy it for five dollars. Yes, it took an entire franchise shutting down for me to find this movie on DVD to own. (R.I.P. Hollywood Video)
Location: This movie is your classic road trip!
Plot: David Duchovancy’s character is writing a book about serial killers. His wife (?) is a photographer and she’s along for the ride to California because she’s photographing the places they are visiting as he’s dictating his thoughts and what not into a tape recorder. It’s kind of like what our next trip up north will be like. To help out with expenses, they recruit Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis’ characters to come along for the ride. They have this classic verbal exchange (The X-Files couple) about how they shouldn’t bring those two along because they look like they’re going to cost more money than actually bring any money to the table. David D’s character ends up saying something like, “Well, they were the only ones who replied to my ad”. Yeah… If that’s not an invitation for trouble, I don’t know what is. So as they’re journeying across country, through Texas and what not, Brad Pitt is revealing more and more about his character and is closer and closer to being caught as a serial killer. In the end, the good guys win, but I like to think that had the writer character been murdered by the serial killer it might have sold more books for him.
Acting: I keep waiting for David Duchovany to say something about the truth being out there. He very much resembles his best known character, only with some goofy earrings. His female partner… I’m not even sure who she is in real life. Juliette Lewis is kind of a cross between several characters she has played before- the dimwitted, helpless female mixed with a bit of what she was like in Natural Born Killers. Brad Pitt gives one of his best performances ever. If you ever wonder why Brad Pitt is the megastar that he is now, go back and watch this movie. Brad Pitt becomes this character and for the most part, I forget that he isn’t.
Production: I do believe that this was in theaters.
Sex/Nudity: There is some, yes.
Special Effects: The killing looks real. In one scene, a man is repeatedly stabbed to death in a bathroom and the blood flows like I imagine it would in real life.
Overall Verdict: I can only now imagine that this movie chose to give the title state a “K” instead of “C” because the “K” is for “KILL”. It is something you should watch to possibly be scared and most importantly to hear about how breakfast is a scam invented by the cereal companies.
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