Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 5
Title: 12 Monkeys
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Bruce Willis, Terry Gilliam and, yes, Brad Pitt
Introduction: I don’t know when I first watched this movie, but I will blame it on my Brad Pitt marathon. When I first watched it (maybe even the first couple of times) I probably didn’t fully get it either. I would pick it up on DVD years later at Best Buy for something like $4.
Location: Throughout a city and throughout time.
Plot: The entire human race has been forced to live underground because of a disease that is pretty much bad. Bruce Willis is sent back in time to try and find something out about this disease. However, when he is back in the past he starts to get confused as to whether he really is a time traveler or if he is just a mental patient. This movie- and one of the biggest roles it plays in my life as a movie watcher- is so utterly amazing because during the course of the movie, as these events are playing out, Bruce Willis and his doctor begin changing their roles as to who believes what. It made me as the viewer question what I thought as well about the movie. It’s something that I will constantly love about this movie, but I will also reference it in other movies because it was the first time I’d saw that type of thing occur. But yes, time travel, post apocalyptic society and monkeys… What more could you ask for?
Acting: Quite possibly the best roles Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt ever play. Just further proof why Brad Pitt is the megastar he is today, as he fully becomes this character.
Production: This was probably in theaters but who knows. People never seem to get Terry Gilliam movies anyway.
Sex/Nudity: There is the mandatory Bruce Willis butt shot.
Special Effects: Bruce Willis is breaking necks and getting shot.
Overall Verdict: This is a movie that, for me, defined a genre of crazy, twisted sci-fi and what not else. It became my first big sci-fi movie of its kind- and even post apocalyptic- so much that it is something that I shall constantly reference in other movie reviews. No matter how many times I watch this movie I never tire of it and, honestly, I believe this is a movie that you have to keep watching over and over again because that’s how it will make the most sense to you.
The List Thus Far:
(5) 12 Monkeys
(6) Rear Window
(7) True Romance
(8) Driftwood
(9) Rock ‘N’ Roll High School
(10) G.I. Joe: The Movie
(11) Billy Madison
(12) American Splendor
(13) Last Days
(14) Mallrats
(15) The Dark Knight
(16) Bottle Rocket
(17) Tank Girl
(18) The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl
(19) Big Trouble
(20) The Devil’s Rejects
(21) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(22) Beetlejuice
(23) Escape From L.A.
(24) Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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