Title: The Rite
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: It has Anthony Hopkins in it and that’s pretty much all that you need to know.
Introduction: I got this from the library because I vaguely remember it being in theaters and I didn’t hear terrible things about it like other movies I won’t name.
Location: Let’s just say they had a big budget.
Plot: This story follows a young priest who is not sure whether or not he wants to go through with becoming a fully fledged member of God’s fighting team. So the priest who is kind of guiding him does what any good member of the Catholic Church would do and basically blackmails him into staying because of money issues and then ships him off to Rome or somewhere like that to study under a higher priest who is to make a believer out of him. This movie is loosely based on a book which is based on true events. I think it has a decent plot, because this certain demon continues to haunt this would-be pastor as well as Anthony Hopkins’ character. In the end, good triumphs over evil (Who saw that coming?) and we all go home happy Catholics for the first time since The Passion of the Christ.
Acting: Anthony Hopkins is in this and that’s all that you really need to know.
Production: Yes, it was a big budget movie in theaters.
Sex/Nudity: No, not that I can remember. There may have been some, but I also may have slept through it.
Special Effects: They are rather non-existent.
Overall Verdict: This is by no means a horror or a scary movie. It has very little shock value when it comes to the demons and overall plot, and mainly it just seems like something to please the Catholic Church. This movie didn’t really win me over as a believer in anything that I didn’t already believe in. I believe in demons already because I’ve worked retail during the holidays. The only thing that really stands out about this movie is the performance of Anthony Hopkins. As far as the plot goes, I really think that The Last Exorcism should’ve been the last movie about exorcisms.
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