Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Television Actors Unite!

Title:  Feast
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  Pretty much everyone in this movie has done something else that you should know them for, though they mostly come from television.    It has Henry Rollins pre-Sons of Anarchy and Jason Mewes as himself.   What else could you ask for?  Oh yeah, the writing-directing team behind this is also going to be responsible for the upcoming Piranha 3DD.
Introduction:  I got this from Netflix but am not opposed to buying it one day.
Location:  This movie literally takes place inside a bar.   It is a phonebooth movie for that reason.
Plot:  A diverse group of social misfits ends up trapped inside a bar while monsters outside threaten to break in and eat them for dinner.   The best part?  They manage to kill one of them, but it turns out to be the smallest one… It turns out to be the baby monster.   Now that they’ve killed the baby, the adult monsters are even hungrier for blood.   Do you really care about the characters back stories here or do you just want to see somebody get their face ripped off?   Yes, this movie is less plot and more blood, which I thoroughly enjoy.
Acting:  Again, this movie is made up of actors that primarily have television roles outside of this.   With that being said, this is still some good acting.
Production:  Was this in theaters?  I don’t know, but it has the look like it could have been.
Sex/Nudity:  There is a sex scene, but it’s “movie sex”, so no real nudity here.   There is also a monster sex scene, which I’m unsure about if there is nudity or not.   I mean, they never really wear clothes, so…
Special Effects:  In one scene, Judah Friedlander’s character- “Beer Guy”- loses his eye and somehow becomes covered in maggots.   When he asks someone else how his eye looks, and lifts his eye patch up, you can see maggots crawling around where his eye used to be.  While this is disturbing, amongst other things, it also looks very realistic.
Overall Verdict:  This is one of my new favorite horror movies.   What can I say?  It delivers on a lot of the reasons why you watch modern horror movies (or at least why I do):  There is the gross out factor, people being eaten and rightfully so and the slightest bit of comedy.    Eric Dane has a brief cameo in this movie as “The Hero”.  As he comes in and explains to everyone else how they must do exactly what he says if they want to live, a monster comes through the window and eats him.   So much for that plan.  I love how this movie just rips up the clichés and spits them out.

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