Monday, February 21, 2011

The 2nd Worst Movie Ever

Title:  MacGruber
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  You know who did it.
Introduction:  I got this from the library under the assumption it would be funny.   If someone removed all the copies from the face of the earth, I doubt anyone would even miss it.
Location:   The darkest corners of my own personal hell.
Plot:  MacGruber is a rip off of MacGuyver in ways and, well, does this movie even need a plot?   It’s just one bad joke after another.   The main bad guy is named “Cunth”, which I’m sure you can guess what that sounds like.   I remember seeing a skit on Saturday Night Live right before I stopped watching SNL where they were doing a home improvement type show and they kept saying “caulk” in place of “cock” so it sounded dirty.   After about the hundredth time, this trick got old really fast on SNL so you can imagine how it went down in this movie with the “cunt” name.    This movie is like a bunch of really nerdy high school freshmen getting drunk for the first time and trying to be funny.    I really only wanted to see the wrestlers in this movie as well, but the dumbass blew them all up in the first twenty minutes.
Acting:  No matter how terrible this movie is, we must recognize the great ponytailed villain played by Val Kilmer. 
Production:  ::::flush::::
Sex/Nudity:  These people like to stick stuff up their butts a lot, and then show that on camera.
Special Effects:  This was in theaters for a day or two, right?
Overall Verdict:  Hot Rod was really underappreciated by the critics, in my opinion, but this one is just plain awful.    If you never have to sit through this abomination consider yourself lucky.

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