Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Seen It Before Dot Com

Title:  Fear Dot Com
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  It has Stephen Dorff in it, and I’m pretty certain it was in theaters so you’ve probably heard of this movie before.
Introduction:  I bought this DVD from Big Lots for a whole three dollars.   Was it worth it?  That’s questionable. 
Location:  Police stations, homes, you know, the usual places a movie likes to go.
Plot:  People start dying randomly, only it’s not so random as the one thing that connects them is that they’ve all visited the same website- rottentomatoes.com (just kidding about that last part there, it was actually TMZ)   Why is this plot hated on so much?  Oh yeah, because you basically change the video tape in The Ring with a website and you have this movie.   True fact:  The only way to not die in this movie is to clear your browser history.   Isn’t that really the answer to all of life’s problems anyway?  So, some claim this movie revolutionized and rejuvenated a somewhat stale horror scene of movies.   Sure, it came out before The Ring did… in the U.S.   But let us not forget, Ringu was available widely in Japan and the U.S. version was known so it wasn’t like no one had ever heard of this concept before this movie came out.
Acting:  It has two guys named Stephen and some random foreign actress in it.   Do the math.
Production:  As stated before, I believe this movie was in theaters and it has a production quality as such.  It’s just the plot that’s lacking really.
Sex/Nudity:  A movie based on the internet… What did you expect?  There is also much spam, trolling and chain emails.
Special Effects:  For what blood there is and such, it looks realistic enough.   Again, a movie theater production, so it has its money.
Overall Verdict:  If you have a really open mind to horror movies, you can probably stomach this one.   If you want to call it The Ring 14, that is also okay.

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