Title: Hoboken Hollow
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has an “associate producer” credit or some such nonsense for Anthony Michael Hall. This movie “stars” C. Thomas Howell, Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen and Robert Carradine (who went from leading nerds to victory to running a ranch apparently). I would also be remised if I didn’t mention the awesome Lyn Shaye having a small role in here.
Introduction: The second movie in the Midnight Horror Collection titled “Bloody Slashers” that I watched. After Room 33 and before Curtains. Only one left after Curtains, what what.
Location: Not New Jersey! This movie takes place primarily on a ranch in Texas, which doesn’t have electricity. It must have had some good AMH money because they have some pretty extensive locations, such as driving on the road and a rest stop like shop run by Lyn Shaye.
Plot: A rancher (and his crazy family) pick up illegal immigrants and drifters and make them work for room and board. The catch? If you’re bad at what you’re expected to do, or try to leave, they kill you. And, for no reason at all or if they just happen to not like you, they might kill you any way. There are some facts in the beginning and the end of the movie and it states it’s based on actual events. While that could be feasible, I just don’t think it happened. Could it be happening now? Most definitely. Was it happening before this movie was made? Probably not. I’d say this movie has a case of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Acting: There are some decent actors in here, but the ones you don’t know by name just seem off. The hicks are especially cartoonish.
Production: This is a straight to DVD release from 2006 and that’s about what it looks like.
Sex/Nudity: No, thank goodness because everyone in this movie is made up to look ugly and dirty.
Special Effects: In one scene, a guy gets run over and his body literally detaches from his foot, leaving his flesh inside the boot. It’s pretty gruesome, but also pretty cool. It has good special effects and the blood does run aplenty.
Overall Verdict: Not my favorite horror movie ever because both the plot and acting leave something to be desired, but still nonetheless a movie I didn’t mind sitting through half as much as many others I’ve seen.
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