Monday, February 21, 2011

In The Spirit World, No One Can Hear You Scream

Title: Re-Cycle
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  The Pang Brothers reunite with Angelica Lee (The Eye)
Introduction:  I bought this DVD for $5 at H.E.B.  (Cultural Reference:  H.E.B. is a grocery store that sells DVDs for some reason)
Location:  Partially in reality, partially in a spirit world.  Great looking effects for location.
Plot:  Angelica Lee is an author and as she begins to see things (like ghosts) around her apartment, she starts using it for her latest book.   Then she ends up going into the spiritual world, where things exist that are no longer wanted.   Her quest is to get out of the spirit world and back into what she thinks is her normal life, but does she ever really?
Acting:  I was reading subtitles the whole time, but it looked good to me!
Production:  It was in theaters not in the U.S., right?   Looks like it.
Sex/Nudity:  Nope.
Special Effects:  There’s this one part where the ghosts are frozen and when they turn sideways they’re sliced up into little layers and… yeah…  this is pretty complex, but it has great effects.  Too believable, especially since some of the images still haunt me.
Overall Verdict:  As long as you pay very close attention to this movie, you will 100% get something out of it.   I know I shouldn’t watch movies like this at night by myself, but I just can’t resist most of the time.  The normal “OMGZ!  There’s a shadow behind the shower curtain” stuff doesn’t scare me, but certain aspects of this movie (especially in the spiritual world) had me somewhat scared.   The fact that a movie can still scare me at this late in the game definitely says something good about it.

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