Title: Curtains
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: The movie that this guy is about is a director, and he also happens to be the real director. I mean, he’s not directing and acting, but they share a name. You still probably don’t know who any of these people are.
Introduction: The third movie I am watching from the Midnight Horror Collection entitled “Bloody Slashers”.
Location: Several different buildings, as people have meetings and perform plays and, well, you know, just all around do things that actors and directors do.
Plot: Six actresses show up to audition for Jonathan Stryker’s latest movie. One by one, they start dying off. Who is behind it? Who really cares? Can they die any faster? In theory, this movie should pose some sort of compassion where you’re concerned with the well being of the actresses (or at least one of them) and are convinced as to who is doing the killing. However, if you want anything less than for this entire cast to die as quickly and least painfully as you as possible, then you’re watching a different movie.
Acting: The main woman is over the top even for soap opera standards and the main guy sounds like he wants to be Orson Welles. Does that tell you anything?
Production: This movie looks to be from the early 1980’s or even late 1970’s. If it was made any time after 1985, the production really sucks.
Sex/Nudity: No, but there is some REALLY lame stand up by this lady who wants to become an actress but she can’t tell a joke. There is a hot tub scene though, but it’s really dark so you mostly you see only silhouettes. Plus, it’s, you know, a half an hour into the movie, at which point I doubt anyone is even watching any more.
Special Effects: I wanted these people to die so badly…
Overall Verdict: This movie is an hour and a half too long, and it’s only 89 minutes. If you buy this four pack, you can skip this one, coocoohead!!
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