Title: Amusement
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: I don’t know who anyone in this movie is, I just like that it has a fairly creepy clown on the front of it.
Introduction: I got this on eBay for an undisclosed sum.
Location: This movie has three central locations, all converging at the end of the movie. It actually appears to have a pretty decent budget, as it takes place on the roads ala “Joy Ride”, then in a house during a huge rainstorm, and then at a “loft” after a night at the club. Oh yeah, and they all meet at the end in jail/the loony bin.
Plot: This movie tells the story of three different girls, all three of them friends with the same boy as young kids but then when they grew up, they grew apart and forgot about him. He ties them altogether once again as he haunts them and tortures them all for his… amusement. There is a flashback scene to the time these four were all last together, and it ties into the end of the movie nicely. This isn’t a Plot A Meets Plot B type of movie, but rather a Plot A, Plot B & Plot C All Come Together In The End. It has a sense of mystery and creepy. The clown section alone is enough to give you nightmares.
Acting: For not knowing any of these actors, this movie is nicely acted.
Production: It looks as if it could have been in theaters. It might have been for all I know.
Sex/Nudity: No, actually there isn’t, which I enjoy. I’m so used to seeing college aged kids in movies naked for no reason, it was nice to finally see a movie that stuck with the disturbing and didn’t make you lose interest in the story by awkward moments of heavy petting and gropefests.
Special Effects: For what there were, they were good. It wasn’t a lot of gore of bloodshed; it looked more like a Stephen King book turned into a movie in terms of what happens with that sort of stuff, but still, it was done nicely.
Overall Verdict: This is one of the first movies in a long time I watched with eager anticipation of what would happen next. In the middle, what I like to call the “clown part”, I was just WAITING on the edge of my seat for that clown to move or do something to scare that girl to the point where she pisses her pants and runs off screaming. I haven’t felt this way about a movie in a long time, but yes, I really did like this movie and felt the suspense of it all.
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