Title: Devil
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Jacob Vargas is the only actor I really recognize, but this movie was written by M. Night Shyamalan.
Introduction: I got this DVD from my local public library.
Location: This movie takes place mainly within and around the same building. An engineer goes around the whole building, but it’s mostly in the control room and the elevator itself.
Plot: Five people are stuck in an elevator. One by one, they start dying. One of them is supposedly the devil. The fun part I realized partially into this? The guy in the suit may seem like the devil because he’s a jerk, but he may also just be a jerk and that’s why the devil has come to claim his soul. It has great twists and turns and keeps you guessing until the end.
Acting: For not knowing who most all of these actors are, the acting is pretty decent.
Production: While I know it was in theaters, it looks more like a straight to DVD or Showtime Original quality movie. It’s not bad, but it just doesn’t have theater quality to these old eyes.
Sex/Nudity: No, none at all, which is great.
Special Effects: There is a small amount of blood and when it’s done, it looks good.
Overall Verdict: While this is not technically a full M. Night Shyamalan movie because he didn’t direct it (or have a cameo), I still think it’s a great movie. I like all of Shyamalan’s movies except one (Though I’m going to try Avatar: The Last Airbender again), so this really is no different. Just sit back, relax and get sucked in. Oh, and, uh, always take the stairs to avoid situations such as these. What’s worse than having an elevator breakdown while you’re riding in it? Finding out that the devil is in that elevator with you and slowly killing you all off, that’s what. I don’t care if it’s the 39th floor, take the stairs!
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