Title: Screaming Dead
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Ehh… Nope. This movie has the name “Shock-O-Rama” on it, which I thought might make it be better than it actually was. Unfortunately, I was wrong again.
Introduction: I actually paid a penny for this movie on eBay. I was robbed.
Location: Several different places, but mostly it’s just rooms with a guy taking pictures of girls.
Plot: This movie centers around a photographer who likes to put his subjects in torture-like situations all for the sake of art. A whole bunch of people- some model chicks, a dopey detective type guy and some lady who is not a model I guess- all end up in this building that used to be an insane asylum. The place starts acting like it is haunted, and well, it turns into kind of like this bad late night Showtime movie mixed with whodunit elements of Scooby Doo.
Acting: I don’t think there is a single person in this movie who can call themselves an actor. Pretty bad stuff, and not in a funny way either. Just people trying too hard and not having what it takes.
Production: It’s about the same as Gothic Movie, neither good nor bad, just somewhere in between the two. The acting and poor plot kill this movie, though.
Sex/Nudity: Though some of these so-called actresses have what appear to be stripper names, there isn’t that much nudity in here. Some in the beginning from an auditioning girl, and then some more near the end when a girl is approached in the shower (but not killed), but no real sex scenes or anything. I thought (Again, based on the names) that this was going to turn into softcore porn more than a horror movie, but it was neither really.
Special Effects: Weak at best.
Overall Verdict: I should’ve known from the start this movie would suck. It’s called “Screaming Dead” and, well, you can’t scream when you’re dead, so… Obviously, the ghosts are dead and they scream, but still… This title leaves little to be desired in the actual movie, which in itself is mostly just boring and a worn out cliché. Save you time and pennies. Pass on this one.
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