Title: The Ruins
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has indie sensation Jena Malone in it along with Shawn Ashmore. If you don’t know any of the actors, it’s all right, neither do I.
Introduction: I got this movie from Big Lots for three dollars. You have to watch Big Lots because they’re tricky. They had a rated version of this movie for three dollars, then an unrated version for six dollars. I didn’t want to spend double the money for no rating (I still can’t figure out what the unrated parts are from Dodgeball), so I kept looking through the DVDs and I stumbled upon another copy of this movie unrated only this time it was only three dollars. So yeah, check all the DVDs at Big Lots before you commit to spend more than you should because those suckers can’t price.
Location: This movie starts at a hotel (and poolside), but they go walking through a jungle and end up at ancient Mayan ruins. I would assume they had some sort of budget, or the locals were not acting.
Plot: A group of four college aged kids- yes, two guys and two girls- are at a hotel drinking when a German guy finds one of the girl’s earrings and then explains to her how his friends know of these “VIP ruins” they can go see. In what is not so much a shock but rather them signing their own death certificate, they agree to go off with the strange foreign guy (Which is funny, because he’s the one who ends up getting his legs cut off, but I’m getting ahead of myself) They touch these vines and the natives think that they are now cursed, so they will not help them nor let them leave. German guy falls down a whole (I don’t remember how, I think I got an email during that part) and possibly broke his back. They spend about twenty minutes trying to get him up then his legs get all rotten. They decide to cut off his legs, which stirs must dissension amongst the group. The best part of the plot? The blonde girl who is not Jena Malone starts freaking out and yelling how Jena Malone and Shawn Ashmore were having sex. While the four people left intact are debating the ramblings of a now crazy woman, the guy with no legs is being eaten by the vines. Ah, remind me to never go on a trip with college aged kids that are more concerned with high school drama gossip than with PEOPLE ACTUALLY DYING.
Acting: It’s pretty good. You know, Jena Malone is what she is, so it’s held together pretty well. I was kind of waiting for Mandy Moore to come and help her get saved though. (Oh! Rimshot!)
Production: It looked like it was in theaters and it probably was.
Sex/Nudity: There is a nude scene which serves basically no purpose.
Special Effects: There’s this one scene where they have to cut the German guy’s legs off, and then eventually he gets dragged into the weeds and eaten alive. It looks pretty cool, I just wish it was the blonde who had it done to her.
Overall Verdict: I enjoyed the part mentioned above in the movie, but otherwise this comes off too much like The Descent (even though they really don’t descend that much) and just other movies where a bunch of stupid college kids go off and die. I’m not saying to stay away from it, I’m just warning you.
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