Title: The Crazies (1973)
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This is the original version directed by George A. Romero of a remake that came out recently. Does that make sense?
Introduction: It wasn’t at the library and I didn’t want to chance it by straight out buying it (It doesn’t sell too cheap either) so I got this from Netflix. Funny how Netflix has become my last resort for watching movies, when there was a time they were my first choice.
Location: It takes place in a town that becomes infected. They had a modest budget I’m sure, but nothing too big.
Plot: It’s sort of like the new one, except instead of seeming like something is coming after these people it comes across more as this sort of anti-war movie. You know how they used to have all the nuclear tests with the “duck and cover” situations? I don’t know, man, the seventies were a different time. This movie probably scared people back then, but it looks pretty tame now in comparison. It mostly comes off as just a lot of people in gas masks pointing guns in the faces of children and telling them to leave the town or risk turning into the newest member of the X-Men.
Acting: It’s pretty good… for the seventies.
Production: It’s on par with movies from this time frame and George A. Romero flicks.
Sex/Nudity: It was the seventies, come on, was that even legal back then?
Special Effects: For the mild blood they had, it looked like what you’d expect from a 1970’s horror movie.
Overall Verdict: This isn’t a bad movie, but it’s also not as great as I thought it would be. The poster for this movie is a lot cooler than the movie itself, but hey, how many movies can we say that about? (A LOT!) If you’re not a diehard Romero or horror fan, you probably won’t like this—it’s not even really traditional horror.
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