Title: Zombie Diaries
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: No, haha. This is a Dimension Extreme release though, so it should be good.
Introduction: Purchased from Games Plus as part of a sale. Yes, when I see the word “zombie” in the title, I usually will buy the movie now.
Location: All over the place, so they had some good locales.
Plot: The zombie virus has spread and has taken over the United States. Now, see it come to England through the eyes of several different amateur camera people. The story unfolds in what is a cross between 28 Days Later and The Blair Witch Project.
Acting: It’s decent at best.
Production: The movie is shot through several different camera-people’s eyes, but it still has that whole Cloverfield look to it. I will mention though that it is a step above in the production value of The Blair Witch Project.
Sex/Nudity: There is slight nudity, but only because some guy rips off a zombie girl’s shirt. But nothing ~sexy~.
Special Effects: The zombies look good, yes.
Overall Verdict: I don’t know the full story behind the making of this movie, but it does have that feel to it like it’s trying to capitalize on other movies—even so much as to say the recent Paranormal Activity, which was just awful. I don’t necessarily hate movies shot like this, but I don’t understand why, if I’m supposed to be able to watch your movie, you shoot it in such a grainy fashion. Do writers ever want to pretend that their writing is older than it really is, so their books are all printed on paper that looks like it’s been written on already and covered in dirt, thus making it almost illegible to the reader? Does a musician purposely record their latest song to sound like it was being played from a scratched up old record just to make it sound cool for the effect? If you like your movie and you want me to be able to like it too, then make it watchable. That’s all I’m saying. The effect does have its good points, but primarily this ends up coming off as a version of 28 Days Later it looks like somebody bootlegged in the theater. Still, probably the best of the movies I’ve seen shot this way, but consider the competition.
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