Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 23
Title: Escape from L.A.
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Kurt Russell and John Carpenter, do it to me one more time.
Introduction: It was probably some late Saturday night when I was home instead of going out with the friends I didn’t have, probably around fifteen or so, and I stumbled upon this movie on Showtime or some such premium channel. It would become a staple of my youth, and later years, as it stands one of the single movies I’ve seen the most number of times without ever actually seeking it out to watch.
Location: The new L.A., baby (which, surprisingly, isn’t that different from how I imagine the current L.A. as being like)
Plot: This is kind of like Demolition Man with the whole convicts in the future deal, but basically, the President of the United States is kidnapped and taken to L.A. The problem is that L.A. is now an island where criminals live, kind of like what Australia once was to England. No one wants to go to L.A. to get said President back, so they send resident badass Snake Plissken, who happens to be a criminal and knows these types of people. It’s full of all sorts of twists and turns, and basically is what you’d expect from this post apocalyptic type of movie where we can peer into the future and see that the world does indeed go to hell.
Acting: Snake Plissken can act. That’s all you need to know.
Production: This movie was in theaters and was also very good looking.
Sex/Nudity: Not that I remember, I just remember the action and overall badassness.
Special Effects: Snake Plissken wears an eye patch. Is he a pirate? How did he lose that eye? It doesn’t matter, it just makes him that much cooler.
Overall Verdict: To the surprise of none (Especially me), I saw this movie before I even knew Escape from New York existed. Once I realized that, it opened all new doors for me. I looked to see if there were any other Snake Plissken movies, which there are not, but was opened up to the world of John Carpenter, which lead to a lot of “He did that? I love that movie!!” Ah, to be young and ignore directors and actors again. I’d really like to see this movie come back as a third installment, maybe even in 3D, but where could Snake escape from now? As long as it doesn’t involve Harold and Kumar with him, I’m down for it. After all, we know Kurt Russell still has it.
The List Thus Far:
(23) Escape From L.A.
(24) Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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