Title: Audition
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Takashi Miike directs.
Introduction: I got this from Netflix, but will buy it should the opportunity arise.
Location: Throughout a city, but mainly in one apartment.
Plot: A widowed man, who is in the film industry, decides with the help of his son and friend/co-worker to get a new wife by auditioning them as if it was for a movie role. Only it turns out that the girl he seeks ends up being a bit crazier than him and, well, she sets out to torture and kill him. It’s your pretty basic plot and number one reason why I never went on a blind date.
Acting: It’s subtitled in Japanese, but I’m guessing it’s good acting all around.
Production: I believe this was in theaters, right? If it wasn’t banned for being too controversial I think that it was.
Sex/Nudity: There is some “movie style sex”, but it’s only to enhance the plot. Once they have done it, now she must kill him.
Special Effects: One scene, a guy has no tongue, no feet and, well, yeah, let’s just say that as disgusting as this all looks and sounds, it’s still very realistic also. Not too over the top, not too cheesy, the effects are just right.
Overall Verdict: I’ve read both sides of arguments for this movie. Eli Roth and Rob Zombie have both stated that the torture scene is one of the hardest scenes they’ve ever had to sit through in a movie. The opposite side of the coin makes you wonder why you watch an hour and a half worth of nonsense to get to the fifteen minutes or so of torture. I can see claims made for both sides, though overall I feel it would somehow cheapen the effect of the movie if the torture scene had gone on longer or if there had been any more. I think the whole idea of waiting until the end is supposed to be the suspense that gets you as well. You know something’s going to happen. You know this chick isn’t right. You’re just waiting to see the guy come out of the bag. So once it all finally does unravel, well, of course you don’t want it to drag out too long or be seen as overkill. I think it does what it intends to do perfectly and people who see this movie in a bad way should learn to be more patient. Was the payoff worth it at the end? Definitely. So stop complaining.
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