Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 24
Title: Howard the Duck
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Probably not.
Introduction: I don’t recall how I first saw this movie (big surprise), but I watched the VHS tape of it to no end in my youth, and even up until I recently got the DVD. Crazy part of it all? I bought the VHS at a store in the mall for either $8.99 or $9.99 in what was my only time ever seeing it. I got the DVD from Walmart for $5. (They sell it for $10 at H.E.B., but that’s why you don’t buy most movies there)
Location: From outer space to a great city kind of like New York or Chicago.
Plot: Howard the Duck is, well, a duck who falls from outer space but somehow still knows how to speak English. His quest is to survive in this rat race of a world while trying to find a way home as well. It’s kind of like E.T., except Howard plays lead guitar in a somewhat big rock band on his home planet. Plus, unlike E.T., Howard actually cracks jokes.
Acting: The acting is good for the time frame and the fact that HE’S A DUCK.
Production: It was in theaters and looks as such. Very 1980’s, but very cool still.
Sex/Nudity: In one of the first scenes, you see duck boobies (don’t ask), but otherwise it’s clean.
Special Effects: Howard himself is like a puppet, in the way that they did Alf. That in and of itself is an accomplishment, in my mind, because if this movie was made now he would just be CGI’ed like Marmaduke and twenty five thousand other movies.
Overall Verdict: My only guess as to why people didn’t get this movie is because maybe it could appeal to kids but it’s too long. Maybe it needed to be shorter. Maybe the duck needed to be cuter. Who knows. One of my favorites and first “cult” or “B” movies, if you will. I actually purchased (for an undisclosed sum) a giant poster for this movie… in Japanese. It is awesome that such a thing exists and even better that I own it.
The List Thus Far:
(24) Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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