Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 29
Title: Demolition Man
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes (looking like Dennis Rodman), Dennis Leary and, yes, even Sandra Bullock are in this movie.
Introduction: I don’t remember how I first stumbled across this movie, but being an action movie and I was once a teenage male, well, do the math, right?
Location: All over a futuristic city and underground in the sewers. (Yes, big budget movie)
Plot: Basically, a prisoner is frozen (don’t ask me why) and somehow manages to escape in the future when everything is peaceful and there isn’t even petty theft anymore. So they do the most logical thing—thaw out a cop from the past who once tangled with this notorious bad guy. If you were there, you would have done the same. Sure, the plot is heavy on the explosions and less on the actual thought out consistencies, but what I like most about this movie to this day (quite possibly) is the product placement. This is the first time that I can ever remember seeing a movie where a product was so blatantly placed into it, but not too obviously (ala Wayne’s World, where they sort of mocked it themselves) No, it’s funny to see how Taco Bell mixes into this movie and also to ponder if maybe someone out there either just loves Taco Bell this much or if they wanted the money that badly. In any event, here is my reenactment of how I believe that meeting went down (a DVD bonus feature I would LOVE to see)
Big Executive Producer Guy: This script is terrible. We know more action. Blow more shit up.
Writer: It’s not in the budget, you said so yourself. That’s why we wrote it this way—
Big Executive Producer Guy: Shut up. I don’t want to hear your excuses. We need money and we need it fast. But how do we get the money…
(unknown): We could ask Mr. Stallone?
Big Executive Producer Guy: Not again. We already owe Rambo too much.
(another unknown voice): How about Mr. Snipes?
Big Executive Producer Guy: No. No more actors. Besides, I’m pretty sure that guy doesn’t pay his taxes.
(Big Executive Producer Guy hears a crunching sound, then looks around the room until he finds the source of noise)
Big Executive Producer Guy: You- intern. What are you eating there?
Intern: Taco Bell.
Big Executive Producer Guy: Hmm… That’s it! Janet, get me that Chihuahua on the phone!
Acting: Hey, yo, he’s Sly, you know what I mean? Everyone in this movie is such a stereotype of themselves it’s not even funny. Right down to the Dennis Leary rants we once heard on Mtv.
Production: It has good effects for its time. Though Taco Bell has affordable prices for any income bracket, they sure must have put more than eighty nine cents into this picture.
Sex/Nudity: There is this one awkward sex scene that looks like virtual reality. It seems like it was awkward not just for the actors to do, but for everyone in the room. How it didn’t get cut, and why they felt so determined to show us there is no human contact in the future is beyond me.
Special Effects: How do you use the shells??
Overall Verdict: Though by far not one of the best movies ever made, it still is one of my favorites just because of the number of times that I’ve seen it and because it reminds me of the simple pleasures in life- like soft tacos.
The List Thus Far:
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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