Over the last year or so, eBay has developed some rather strict selling policies. Maybe it's because they don't want "just anyone" selling the way that you can on Craig's List or maybe just because they're bored and wanted to make eBay seem better when it's really the same place to buy unwanted crap that it's always been.
In either event, I still find that it is not the sellers (always) who are at fault on eBay, but rather the negative feedback is mostly garnered by a bunch of whiny buyers. Seriously, people, you're buying off of a website and you probably have never even seen the item in person before. What annoys me are people who expect items shipped ~righr away~. If you want an item ~right away~, go to the store and buy it. Otherwise, quit your complaining. We are all slaves to the postal service.
So I got this rather detailed email from my newest complaint baby, who will be left anonymous for his own sake, that I thought I'd share with you. First, I will show it to you in its entirety, then I will break it down with my points of anger.
Hello, Got my <item name removed to promote anonimity> in today and im very very disappointeed in the way you shipped it. Its crushed the package was flat when I got it! I do a lot of buying and selling on ebay and this not how you package something like that. I emailed you before about this figure, I wanted you to end the auction and let me buy it. I really really been trying to find this figure and if you didnt know its rare. Anways the package itself is crushed the figure is ok but now its worthless. Im going to leave negative feedback unless you change my mind. Im so sorry to be like this. Thanks
Hello, Got my <item name removed to promote anonimity> in today and im very very disappointeed in the way you shipped it.
This message was sent to me through eBay and I got it on a Sunday. If he had received the item in the mail Saturday and just didn't check his mail until Sunday, why didn't he say so? I know that when I'm expecting things I've won from eBay in the mail I practically camp out by the mailbox until they come. This guy was either a) So excited for his item to come that he didn't check his mail every day or b) is trying to con me into believing that his item somehow magically came to him because he's the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH WHO GETS MAIL DELIVERED TO THEM ON SUNDAY.
Its crushed the package was flat when I got it! I do a lot of buying and selling on ebay and this not how you package something like that.
Granted, grammar is not this kids friend, but I kind of can get what he's saying here. His package is "crushed flat" and that's not how you should send something to him. He also wants me to be aware that he does a lot of buying and selling on eBay, so he knows. REALLY? I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO SEND YOU CRUSHED ITEMS? GEEZ, YOU'RE A GENIUS! MY EBAYING WILL NOW BE SO MUCH BETTER FOR THESE WORDS OF WISDOM. But seriously... despite what every whiny brat on eBay may believe, I cannot control the mail. Also, on top of which, who is to say that it would have made any difference had I sent it to him in a box? Sure, I used a mailer envelope, but I have yet to have anyone else complain. No, for this kid to have been satisfied, I would have probably had to send it in one of those black boxes that can survive a plane crash.
I emailed you before about this figure, I wanted you to end the auction and let me buy it. I really really been trying to find this figure and if you didnt know its rare.
Aw shit. Any time someone messages me about an auction (especially asking me to pull it), I just know they're going to be trouble. Why can't eBay make an option where I can keep pests like this from bidding on my items? If you message me asking me to pull an item, I should be able to block you somehow. Fair and simple. And I like how he points out that it's rare. If it's so rare then a) He should have spent more than $15 on it and b) Why wouldn't he message me and ask me to overnight it to him or something? Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to message me about the shipping method before he won it (or at least before I shipped it)? No, it wouldn't. BECAUSE HE WAS TOO BUSY ASKING ME TO PULL THE LISTING. Idiot.
Anways the package itself is crushed the figure is ok but now its worthless. Im going to leave negative feedback unless you change my mind. Im so sorry to be like this.
Wait... Did I just read that right? The packaging is crushed, but the figure is okay? So that means the figure is all right, so if he opens it up and keeps it loose it will be fine, right? No wait, now he's saying it's worthless. WHICH ONE IS IT BOY?? WON'T YOU MAKE UP YOUR FRAGILE LITTLE MIND?? And, seriously, he is NOT sorry to be like this. He was just born this way. Or he has something wrong in his genetic make up. Either way, if he was really sorry, he wouldn't be threatening me over the internet. It's like speeding up to hit a pedestrian and then saying, "Oh, I'm sorry to be that way!" You know what you're doing. Don't apologize for it, just don't do it. Duh.
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