Title: The Fog
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This is a review for the original, directed by John Carpenter, not the remake starring Tom Welling. Sorry, Superman.
Introduction: This was purchased as part of a sale at Games Plus. It was the one copy they had that wasn’t the remake (They had about five copies of that version)
Location: In and around a small town. Not a phonebooth movie, they definitely had some sort of budget.
Plot: This involves an ancient curse where some crazy pirates come back with the fog and murder people based upon their being killed some odd years ago or whoever… Ah, who cares. All you need to know is that there are great mysteries in the fog. If it doesn’t make you a little more paranoid when you see a “dense fog advisory” come on your television screen, maybe it will at least make you slow down on the back roads.
Acting: The acting is very passable. Some of these actors even went on to do other things.
Production: This movie might have been too scary for theaters, but it still had the quality to make it into them.
Sex/Nudity: No and no. It would’ve added nothing to the plot.
Special Effects: They’re good, despite what John Carpenter thought. The remake was highly unnecessary.
Overall Verdict: If you have to choose between two versions of this film, go with the original. John Carpenter has never done me wrong and this is a perfect example as to why. This movie will scare the hell out of you.
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