Title: Little Bigfoot
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: P.J. Soles is all you need to know.
Introduction: I bought this on eBay, as a VHS, because I searched for P.J. Soles and it came up. I figured it’d be a cheesy sort of kids movie, but you know, how bad could it be?
Location: In a cabin in the woods (No, I am not kidding)
Plot: This plot strongly resembles any nature type movie with Harry and the Hendersons mixed in. A mom (played by P.J. Soles) and her three kids (one of whom is from Bye Bye Love and Sleepless in Seattle, though I’ve never seen the latter) try to go on a nice vacation in a cabin when they run across an evil plot developer and, well, Little Bigfoot. The bad guy wants Little Bigfoot and all wildlife dead because he’s a hunter and all that. The kids gets the help of the girl that played Tiffany on California Dreams and the local cop played by the guy who was on Seinfeld that practiced Serenity Now. In the end, the kids have to tell Little Bigfoot how much they hate him to get him to run away so the bad guys won’t kill him. It’s like a scene lifted right out of Harry and the Hendersons. Not to spoil it for you, but it is a family movie, so it has to have a happy ending. Though, for me, a happy ending would’ve been the Bigfeet Family eating the entire cast except for P.J. Soles.
Acting: P.J. Soles is good in the motherly role, everyone else is mostly kids and creepy.
Production: It was probably in theaters and definitely has a 1997 production value to it.
Sex/Nudity: None of the Bigfeet wear clothes, but, yeah, that’s it.
Special Effects: If this was made now, there would be a lot more CGI. The Little Bigfoot in this movie is actually played by Alf.
Overall Verdict: First off, I cannot get over the fact that this movie is called Little Bigfoot and that is one of the character’s names. The adjectives “little” and “big” shouldn’t be so close together. Why not Baby Bigfoot or Bigfoot Jr.? Those seem like more logical choices, but were probably already copyrighted. The single best part of this movie though comes in the beginning as they’re driving to their vacation. The older of the two boys (Peter, played by an actor who has probably overdosed on cocaine by now) complains to his mom that Payton (the younger brother) farted and it smells bad. The mom (Again, still P.J. Soles) says something like, “Peter, just stick your head out the window… <pause> … Awwwhh, Payton that does stink!!” This single moment is hilarious and prompts me to shout out any time Peter speaks from then on, “Mom, Payton farted again!!” It should have been a running gag of the movie, but you can make it one by adding your own commentary. Recommended if you’re in the mood to make fun of something while looking at P.J. Soles’ hair.
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