Title: Ichi the Killer
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Takashi Miike
Introduction: I got this from Netflix. I’m kind of on a Miike kick.
Location: All over a great city of killing.
Plot: Ichi is, well, a killer and he goes around killing mostly bad guys because it gets him off. It’s a classic case of superhero who is really a serial killer mentality type of thing. I don’t know. Lots of people die very bloody deaths, what more do you want?
Acting: This is dubbed, but it’s still got good acting. Funny thing too, everyone is dubbed with British accents. You know no matter how bad an actor is, if he has a British accent he sounds good. Except for Hugh Grant.
Production: It was in movies and looks as such.
Sex/Nudity: There aren’t really nude scenes, per se, but there are what we like to refer to as movie sex scenes. So this one guy, he rapes this girl (she’s a prostitute he likes to beat up for fun), and Ichi slices him open from the top of his head to his crotch. I mean, if I have to see an awful rape scene, that better be the result.
Special Effects: They look realistic without being too realistic or over the top. Quentin Tarantino would be proud.
Overall Verdict: This movie is based on a manga which I now want to read. It also has been said that at two different premieres, barf bags with the movie logo were distributed for viewers. I really, really want one of those barf bags. So far eBay has been no help, so if you know someone, shoot me an email.
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