Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 18
Title: The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Though directed by Robert Rodriguez, it was written by one of his kids. Crazy, huh?
Introduction: I saw this in theaters when it first came out. Still have the 3D glasses to prove it. Yes, the idea of a Robert Rodriguez movie makes me very happy.
Location: In the farthest imaginations of your mind.
Plot: It’s a bit hard to explain without either seeing it or ruining it if you haven’t seen it, but honestly, it’s a kids movie, so it has a certain simplicity to the complexity of it. Get it?
Acting: The kids are okay, the adults are good.
Production: Though we’ve determined already that this was in theaters, it still has that trademark RR look to it.
Sex/Nudity: IT’S A KIDS MOVIE!!
Special Effects: You can tell this was shot primarily in green screen but hey, I’m not complaining.
Overall Verdict: I love Robert Rodriguez. I love all of his movies. None of his movies are bad, in my opinion. But is it so wrong that I enjoy Spy Kids, Shorts and this movie more than, say, From Dusk Till Dawn or the Mexico Trilogy? Make fun of Machete all you want to, it was a solid movie. But this is still my favorite RR movie and a true testament to the man’s work.
The List Thus Far:
(18) The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl
(19) Big Trouble
(20) The Devil’s Rejects
(21) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(22) Beetlejuice
(23) Escape From L.A.
(24) Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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