Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 15
Title: The Dark Knight
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, some other guy, probably some girls and, oh yeah, Heath Ledger.
Introduction: This is the sequel to Batman Begins, which pretty much rejuvenated the Batman franchise. Need I say more?
Location: All over Gotham. Yes, they had a huge budget.
Plot: Batman has to stop some bad guys. The Joker is already bad and Harvey Dent is turning into Two Face, so he’s a baddie too. Katie Holmes is really bad because she chose to do a movie no one remembers over this one. Whoops. You know how these things go though, right?
Acting: It is truly the performance of Heath Ledger’s career. You can say what you want to about this movie, but this is Heath Ledger’s opus.
Production: It was a big budget movie theater type movie.
Sex/Nudity: No, no there isn’t. Batman isn’t like that. (And thankfully there are no George Clooney nipples)
Special Effects: Right on!
Overall Verdict: Look, let’s forget the fact that Christian Bale is an amazing actor who nails his role as Batman. Let’s forget that Christopher Nolan has outdone a movie which many, including myself, never thought could be outdone. Let’s forget the fact that Scarecrow returns because these movies are still somehow connected, something the other franchise lacked. Forget about all of that genius and just watch and marvel in all that is Heath Ledger. This guy really went to another place playing this character and it shows. It is arguably one of the best portrayals of The Joker ever, if not one of the best all time movie villains as well. I could watch this movie non-stop and never be sick of it. It is just that good. And I really wish Heath Ledger had lived to see him reprise the character in the third and final installment. Oh, what could’ve been… how you haunt me so.
The List Thus Far:
(15) The Dark Knight
(16) Bottle Rocket
(17) Tank Girl
(18) The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl
(19) Big Trouble
(20) The Devil’s Rejects
(21) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(22) Beetlejuice
(23) Escape From L.A.
(24) Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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