Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Don’t Say His Name Three Times (22)

Top 30 Greatest Movies of All-Time # 22
Title:  Beetlejuice
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  Michael Keaton in really one of his only likeable roles, Tim Burton directs and Winona Ryder is young.
Introduction:  It’s a funny, scary kids type movie.  I was bound to stumble across it sooner or later in my youth.
Location:   Primarily in one house, though it is quite a big house.
Plot:   A couple dies, tries to scare a family who is still alive out of their house, seeks the aid of Beetlejuice, you know, classic story as old as time.    What really needs to be known is that this was my first exposure to Tim Burton.   We would have a long and mostly pleasing relationship since this day, but this was the first movie that really connected me to Tim Burton.  It probably is because Michael Keaton would later go on to play Batman, and then I realized he was Beetlejuice as well, and then both movies had the same director, and well, I’m probably already telling you what you know.
Acting:  Michael Keaton is great in this.  It’s probably his best role ever.   And the makeup he wears… He’s unrecognizable to a kid like me.
Production:  It looks very realistic, especially in the times when it is not.
Sex/Nudity:  Ew, no.
Special Effects:  Though there are many great special effects, my favorite has to be the characters in the waiting room.   This just goes to show you how well this movie was thought out.
Overall Verdict:   Any detractors of Tim Burton need to simply watch this.   The dinner scene where they all start singing is still one of my most favorite scenes in any movie ever.

The List Thus Far:
(22) Beetlejuice
(23) Escape From L.A.
(24)  Howard the Duck
(25) Cabin Fever
(26) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
(27) Uncle Buck
(28) Donnie Darko
(29) Demolition Man
(30) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

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