Title: Hatchet
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away: This movie has cameos by Tony Todd and Robert Englund, but the main character of Victor Crowley is portrayed by none other than Kane Hodder. Yes, it is a horror movie lovers wet dream in terms of casting.
Introduction: I was aware of this movie at one point in time by title only. I had no clue what it was about. Then, as the sequel was released, I read more about it and more specifically that Kane Hodder was in it, so I decided to put it in my Netflix queue. But, before I could get it from them I found it for sale as part of a great deal at Games Plus and decided to just buy it.
Location: Though it starts on the streets, it takes place primarily in the swamps of New Orleans. While this qualifies this as a phonebooth movie, it is cool to note that this was the last movie to be finished filming before Katrina hit.
Plot: There is a legend of a mad man who lives in the swamps of New Orleans and kills people because of some back story that doesn’t really matter as much as the fact that we have finally, once again, gotten back to the roots of old school horror and a “villain” has been created that can withstand the test of time. I’ve always said we needed a new movie monster to parallel Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, The Candyman, Leatherface, Pinhead, etc. and Victor Crowley is this monster. Unsuspecting tourists getting ripped apart in the swamp by a deformed looking character portrayed by Kane Hodder? This should get at least ten sequels.
Acting: For what it is, it’s actually not that bad. There could definitely be (as has been) worse. Though the kid who played Rudy on the Cosby Show is in this with the guy from Dodgeball who went on to do Bones (and I swear the tour guide is Lance Krall), but still, it’s not so bad of acting. The girls (especially the two who think they’re in a spring break video) are a bit over the top, but, you know, so is there whole concept with the camera guy anyway, so you tend to ignore that.
Production: It looks like it could have been in theaters and I believe it was.
Sex/Nudity: In the opening scenes, there are some bare breasts, as this movie is during Mardi Gras and women want beads for some unexplained reason. There are also two annoying female characters who think they’re in a Girls Gone Wild type video being filmed by some guy who is really just a personal perv. This also leads to some unnecessary nudity, but nothing more than topsies.
Special Effects: One of Victor Crowleys victims has the top of their head ripped off. Yes, it is that good.
Overall Verdict: This is the new age of classic horror. I’m going to track down the sequel and then patiently wait for more of these movies to be made. Victor Crowley is the new badass that horror films have been missing.
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