Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Like Jaws, Only Awesome

Title:  The Host
Actors/Director/Anything Worth Mentioning Right Away:  Probably not.  This seems like one of those movies you’ve either heard of somehow or you haven’t.
Introduction:  I got it from my local library… for free!!
Location:  All over a city, near waterside, basically running away from this giant land-fish thing.
Plot:   Some scientist dumps some bad materials into the ocean (eco-friendly undertones message!) which causes some fish to get giant and mutate into killer beasts that primarily live in water but come on land every so often to feed.   This plot centers around one kid trying to save a girl and their running around together, along with everyone else, trying not to be killed.  Let me just say this:  If you like movies that have scenes where large groups of people are standing around, unknowing of the impending doom that is about to crush and eat them, then this movie is for you.
Acting:  It was only half in English, but it was still decent acting.
Production:  Looked like a big budget movie from theaters.  (Think The Day After Tomorrow, only with a better plot)
Sex/Nudity:  No time no time!
Special Effects:  See: Production.
Overall Verdict:  The case to this movie compares it to Jaws.  I liked it better than Jaws.  But if I had to compare it to another movie, I think it’d be more accurately compared to Roger Corman’s Piranha.  Sure, that has a sort of Jaws quality to it as well (and admitted so), but I really think those two movies go so much better together.  Let’s just leave Jaws out of this, shall we?

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